Day 1 🕯️ How to Practice Candle Gazing

Day 1 🕯️ How to Practice Candle Gazing
Ignite Your Inner Fire

A 7-Day Candle Gazing practice to honor the spark within.

There are so many forms of meditation that it can be tough to know where to start. Today, I’m offering simple instructions for candle-gazing meditation, a form of concentration practice. The concept is simple: during meditation practice focusing your attention on the flame of a candle.

Also called Trataka meditation, this practice is said to relieve stress, enhance memory and concentration, and provide deep relaxation.

On Halloween, the last day of our 7-day ritual, I'm planning to a free Zoom gathering to light of candle one last time together!

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How to practice

Set up your space

Choose a quiet, somewhat dark or dim place. If you need additional warmth, add a sweater or shawl. (Your body temperature will drop after you’ve been sitting for a while.) Turn off and set aside any devices or distractions.

Then, place your candle on a table/flat surface about 2-3 feet in front of you, Light it. And let the practice begin!


Find your comfortable seat. Relax the space around your eyes. Breathe softly and easefully – allow the breath to lengthen as you settle your body and mind.

Place your gaze on the candle’s flame (rather than the candle itself or the wick). Bring your full attention there, allowing thoughts, outside sensations, or movements to settle and cease. If you do find yourself distracted by a thought or emotion, gently bring your attention back to the candle’s flame.

Once you settle in, set an intention for your practice. This could be big or small depending on the shifts you hope to make over the next 7 days. My intention will be to commit fully to the practice (and remember to send those daily emails with grace and gratitude for this budding community!

If your eyes get tired, allow yourself to blink. Do not strain your eyes. Try to go for at least 5 minutes. You can do it! If your mind fleets, just keep coming back to the candle flame. Observe all aspects of the candle until your mind falls into a meditative state.

At the conclusion of your meditation, close your eyes for a few moments, and breathe deeply. At this point, you may open your eyes and allow yourself to come back into the room fully. Then, speak your intention into the flame, just before you blow it out. As the candle smoke bellows, express gratitude for your practice as you silently bow your head. This is a beautiful way to transition from your meditation into the rest of your day.

Try to pay attention to how the candle gazing practice impacts your thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the day. It may be subtle or it could be blatantly obvious. Write down any breakthroughs that come to you so that we can share them on our Halloween Zoom!

Remember, this is day one, give yourself some credit for initiating the practice. It may come easy or it could a challenge. Make a point to stick with it, it's a great way to rewire those limiting beliefs and prove to yourself how magical you truly are!

Until tomorrow, be well.
