Day 3 🔥🌱 Spark Growth

Day 3 🔥🌱 Spark Growth

Here we are, Day 3. How is your candle gazing practice going so far? Have you noticed any resistance? Have you experienced any big shifts?

Day 3 is when the questions seem to begin rolling in for me. Why is this important? Is it worth my time? Do I want to keep going?

If you're having these inquires, let them come up and out. Just like our emotions, our questioning can bubble in the mind and cloud our true discernment about what is right for us. That's why it's so important to ground ourselves in our bodies in order to release trapped emotions that gunk up the mind. The journey to spark growth lies just beyond the mind's comfort zone designed to keep you safe.

If today's the day you've fallen off of your practice or had the urge to throw in the towel, light your candle and speak your truth. Encourage yourself to keep going, and keep growing.

Have you registered to join our final candle lighting on Halloween at 10 am? I'd love to connect with everyone who has been following along so we can drink a cup of tea together and talk about what we learned from this practice.

If you plan to join us on Zoom, please register your name using the link below.

Register Here
Have a Chance to Tune into my First Podcast Feature?

If you'd like to get to know me more, I was just interviewed by The Mustache Mesa Podcast! Tune in to hear me share about:

+How the pandemic actually helped me launch my business
+What it's been like entering entrepreneurship as a Highly Sensitive Person
+Some excellent tips for turning tea into a mindful daily ritual.
