Day 4 🔥 You Are the Source

Day 4 🔥 You Are the Source

Day 4. We made it halfway through! If you've stuck with it so far, be kind to yourself and express some gratitude for your diligence and undeniable stamina. 💪🏽💪🏽 It's not always easy to maintain the commitment to honor yourself daily--that's exactly the muscle we are working to build!

Today, I'm going to ask you a tough question, and I hope you can answer this honestly: In what ways are you giving your power away?

While sitting in practice yesterday, I noticed something. I had been putting a lot of emphasis on the power and wisdom I was receiving from the candle, only to double-take and realize that it has nothing to do with the candle at all. The candle is an object to focus my energy, but it is not the one doing the work, I AM. By relinquishing my power to the candle, I had forgotten my power as the true source. To increase the awareness of my energy, I created the Energy Accelerator Exercise below.

Energy Accelerator Exercise

When you light your candle today, imagine yourself as a powerful engine. You control how much energy or gas that gets your car going. You can play around with this energy and observe how it affects the flicker of the flame.

Notice how it feels in your body. It could be awkward if you're not familiar with doing this already, but again it's about building the muscle.

Recognize how energized you feel, and that it's not the candlelight feeding you, it's you learning how to energetically feed yourself.

Have you registered to join our final candle lighting on Halloween at 10 am? I'd love to connect with everyone who has been following along so we can drink a cup of tea together and talk about what we learned from this practice.

If you plan to join us on Zoom, please register your name using the link below.

Register Here