Day 6 πŸ•―οΈ Be Kind to Yourself

Day 6 πŸ•―οΈ Be Kind to Yourself

Oct 30, 2020

One day left in the challenge, how are you feeling about your experience?

I know some folks have joined us halfway through. Wherever you are on this journey, be kind to yourself. Receive the lessons with gratitude for how far you've come, and know that the path to transformation does not have to stop here. Candle gazing is the tool to help you find your spark, but once you've learned how to source this energy, you get to keep it with you forever! AND, if you need to practice refocusing your energy, you can come back to candle gazing anytime.

What is something you have learned from your practice this week? There is no right or wrong. Nothing too big or too small.

Something I have enjoyed remembering is...

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Day 5 πŸ”₯ Lean Into the Unknown

Day 5 πŸ”₯ Lean Into the Unknown

Oct 30, 2020

In my Instagram post announcing this Candle Gazing practice, I spoke a little bit about the thinning of the veil. If you have never heard this before, I'll share a little bit about what I know.

What is the veil?

The veil is essentially an etheric curtain between two worlds (the seen and unseen, or the known and unknown). It acts as an invisibility cloak so spirits and ancestors can see into our earthly plane, but we can't see them (unless we've practiced developing a connection to the spirit world). At the beginning of October and up until Halloween, the portal between these two worlds is the thinnest, making communication with spirits and ancestors more easily accessible.

If you don't fully buy into this idea yet, here's 3 signs that can indicate your feeling the thinning of the veil

1) Vivid Dreams

Your dreams could be more intense, or you could be remembering them more frequently. You could even receive a visit from an ancestor or past loved one. If this is happening or has ever happened to you, lean into it and write down the details you can remember. It can be helpful to track your dreams for patterns or messages that may help you receive lessons along your personal journey.

2) The feeling of heightened energy around you

Have you ever been alone in a room and felt like there was someone or something hanging out gently in the background? There a ton of phenomenons like this that we can't exactly explain through science. I refer to this as heightened or intuitive energy. It can feel odd or alarming to notice energies outside of ourselves, but you can generally sense if energy is positive or negative and make the choice to engage with it or not.

3) Emotions are a lot closer to the surface

If you are highly sensitive. you may be absorbing other people's energies more easily than normal (in which case you may need to ground yourself into your body to clear out any energy that is not yours). You may also find that your ego could be more easily bruised or you become quick with your emotions (grounding is good for these types of responses, too).

Exploring the range of energy and sensations doesn't have to be scary, it can be fun! Lean into the unknown and see what comes up for you. If anything becomes too intense, take care of yourself by becoming present with your body, drink a relaxing cup of tea by candlelight, write down your negative thoughts, and set them aflame.

The Full Moon

Did you know, October has TWO full moons this year?! One happened on October 1st and the second will take place on October 31st, Halloween! This only happens every 18-19 years. So excited to gather with you all to light our last candle on this special day!

Have you registered to join our final candle lighting on Halloween at 10 am?

I'd love to connect with everyone who has been following along so we can drink a cup of tea together and talk about what we learned from this practice.

If you plan to join us on Zoom, please register your name using the link below.

Register Here

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Day 4 πŸ”₯ You Are the Source

Day 4 πŸ”₯ You Are the Source

Oct 30, 2020

Day 4. We made it halfway through! If you've stuck with it so far, be kind to yourself and express some gratitude for your diligence and undeniable stamina. πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽 It's not always easy to maintain the commitment to honor yourself daily--that's exactly the muscle we are working to build!

Today, I'm going to ask you a tough question, and I hope you can answer this honestly: In what ways are you giving your power away?

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Day 3 πŸ”₯🌱 Spark Growth

Day 3 πŸ”₯🌱 Spark Growth

Oct 30, 2020

Here we are, Day 3. How is your candle gazing practice going so far? Have you noticed any resistance? Have you experienced any big shifts?

Day 3 is when the questions seem to begin rolling in for me. Why is this important? Is it worth my time? Do I want to keep going?

If you're having these inquires, let them come up and out. Just like our emotions, our questioning can bubble in the mind and cloud our true discernment about what is right for us. That's why it's so important to ground ourselves in our bodies in order to release trapped emotions that gunk up the mind. The journey to spark growth lies just beyond the mind's comfort zone designed to keep you safe.

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Day 2 Candle Gazing Challenge πŸ•―οΈ Monday Motivation

Day 2 Candle Gazing Challenge πŸ•―οΈ Monday Motivation

Oct 30, 2020

It's cold and gray outside, the trees are beginning to show signs of going dormant. I feel heavy. The weight of Mondays "back to the daily grind" wake-up call comes knocking far before I'm ready to hop back into productivity-mode.

When I feel into the energy of Monday, there appear to be two paths available. One of which I feel shackled and weighed down like I'm walking through thick, sinking mud OR I could light a candle and let the energy of the fire dance within my soul, igniting the motivation to shine bright, no matter what day of the week it is.

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Day 1 πŸ•―οΈ How to Practice Candle Gazing

Day 1 πŸ•―οΈ How to Practice Candle Gazing

Oct 28, 2020

There are so many forms of meditation that it can be tough to know where to start. Today, I’m offering simple instructions for candle-gazing meditation, a form of concentration practice. The concept is simple: during meditation practice focusing your attention on the flame of a candle.

Also called Trataka meditation, this practice is said to relieve stress, enhance memory and concentration, and provide deep relaxation.

On Halloween, the last day of our 7-day ritual, I'm planning to a free Zoom gathering to light of candle one last time together!

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C'mon baby, light my fire πŸ”₯ 7 Day Candle Gazing Challenge

C'mon baby, light my fire πŸ”₯ 7 Day Candle Gazing Challenge

Oct 26, 2020

Ignite Your Inner Fire

A 7-Day Candle Gazing practice to honor the spark within.

Hello beautiful souls,

For the past 7 days, I've been practicing candle gazing, and I gotta tell ya, a little bit of intention goes a loong way.

It’s been so good for me, I feel like it’s something I’d like to share with you all. The plan is to start again on Sunday so that the practice will end on Halloween, when the veil is thin between our earthly plane and the spiritual world.

It costs zero dollars to participate. I’ll just send you an email every day for those 7 days so we can hold the circle. Then, perhaps we can have a Zoom gathering where we drink tea and light a candle together on Halloween.

Are you in?

Register Here
A few things to prepare
  • Get what you need. There is not a whole lot of planning required, but one thing you will want to have FOR SURE is a candle. It doesn't have to be a brand new candle, it can be gently used. Just make sure the candle has enough wax that it will last you the full 7 days. This is a community ritual of sorts, in order to hold the circle, I recommend using the same candle each day so that your intentions build upon one another.
  • Commitment is key. Not going to lie, one of the major things I learned about myself during my last 7-day gaze is how challenging it can be to hold a commitment to myself (more on this in an upcoming newsletter). It can be easy to have the desire to skip a day or two, or three if you don't set candle gazing a top priority for the day.

    If you start this practice, I encourage you to stick it out for the full 7 days. Maybe try to incorporate it into a routine you already have for your morning or evening (perhaps just before you have your morning tea). I've found the morning to be more successful for me to keep the commitment, and I can notice the powerful effects all throughout the day (more on this later, too.)

  • Set the mood. In my next email, I'll share with you how candle gazing works. But if you want to prepare any spiritual items, it could be handy to have a notebook to write down your intentions and any breakthroughs that come during your practice, crystals, or oracle cards to charge with by candlelight, and some tea to enjoy after your practice.

My First Podcast Feature!

If you'd like to get to know me more, I was just interviewed by The Mustache Mesa Podcast! Tune in to hear me share about:

+How the pandemic actually helped me launch my business
+What it's been like entering entrepreneurship as a Highly Sensitive Person
+Some excellent tips for turning tea into a mindful daily ritual.


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