Day 6 🕯️ Be Kind to Yourself

Day 6 🕯️ Be Kind to Yourself

One day left in the challenge, how are you feeling about your experience?

I know some folks have joined us halfway through. Wherever you are on this journey, be kind to yourself. Receive the lessons with gratitude for how far you've come, and know that the path to transformation does not have to stop here. Candle gazing is the tool to help you find your spark, but once you've learned how to source this energy, you get to keep it with you forever! AND, if you need to practice refocusing your energy, you can come back to candle gazing anytime.

What is something you have learned from your practice this week? There is no right or wrong. Nothing too big or too small.

Something I have enjoyed remembering is how simple practices that don't require any real skill can provide such a profound impact. There is no secret trick to candle gazing, just stare at the flame and notice what comes through. Keeping a consistent practice can be challenging, but a beautiful way to connect with your intuition. And even if you are not receiving clear messages, some good old fashioned quiet, even if just for a few minutes in front of a glowing flame can be so deeply nourishing. It speaks volumes in my body, even without words, my soul acknowledges that it feels loved and cared for.

Anyway, I'm excited about our final candle lighting happening tomorrow over Zoom! I don't foresee us going over 40 minutes long. Just planning to light our candles together which will lead us into a 3-minute gazing practice, and then talk about what we experienced over a nice cup of tea. I'd love to hear about any personal breakthroughs, where you struggled, or any particular part of the emails that resonated with you. Stuff like that. I'll dive in and share what I experienced from my soon-to-be 14-day gazing practice, too.

If you can't attend our final candle lighting in-person, I'd love for you to reply and let me know if you have enjoyed these emails and how your practice has gone for you. It will encourage me to keep writing and sharing what I know :)

Don't forget to Register!

Have you registered to join our final candle lighting on Halloween at 10 am?

I'd love to connect with everyone who has been following along so we can drink a cup of tea together and talk about what we learned from this practice.

If you plan to join us on Zoom, please register your name using the link below.
